Welcome to the Oregon Voter Information Project! We are a statewide civic engagement organization focused on informing Oregonians about their voting rights and encouraging them to exercise those rights.
Oregon’s Primary Election
Oregon’s Primary election will be held on Tuesday, May 17th, 2016. In Oregon elections, each voter is mailed a ballot. Voters then mark their selections and mail in their ballots or take them to a dropbox using the envelope provided. Your ballot must be received by 8:00 PM on Election Day.
You can find a dropbox near you at http://sos.oregon.gov/voting/Pages/drop-box-locator.aspx
You can check the status of your ballot at https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/showVoterSearch.do
Oregon’s General Election
If you have yet to register to vote or need to update your information, you can do so at the Secretary of State website here: http://sos.oregon.gov/voting-elections/Pages/my-vote.aspx
We hope you’ll stay engaged this election season.
Nikki Fisher
Executive Director